36″ A Day: Day 18

This day just went way too fast! There was nothing pressing on my calendar, but I managed to waste tons of time on the computer today and did not get to painting until 5 PM!
Just as well that my hubby is on a business trip and I did not have to make dinner…;-)
As I’m writing this I only had a yogurt so far, so I guess this project will help me lose some pounds!

I started to fiddle with the rather busy poppies; but I’m not happy with it yet. Another thing I wanted to do is use those gorgeous colours on the little panels with birds from yesterday.
I came up with a very abstract version of one of my earlier landscapeson a 12×12 wooden panel:
Title could be: Lean on Me or Support System.

Lean on Me

For my smaller 36″ painting I decided to do some candles, using the three primary colours: magenta 42, blue 09 and mid yellow mixer 44. I managed to get almost a black on the bottom there.You can view the candle tutorial here.

May 18, 1

Having those colours out made me play some more with the iron:

May 18, 2

After that I took a piece of red card and made a big mess with the iron, until all of a sudden I discovered a face in the middle of the card. This gave me some direction and I came up with this cool image:
See how many faces you can find (and there is at least one animal in there too!)

May 18, 3

That’s it for today!
Talk to you tomorrow,


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